Step Into Your Power as a Writer (Stop Being Afraid to Promote Yourself!)

Although most writers are well aware that they struggle with a fear of failure, many writers don’t realize that they also harbor a fear of success. For a lot of writers, the thought of being a successful writer carries with it the assumption that they will have to promote themselves and their work in ways that make them uncomfortable.

This is understandable, because marketing can be scary. When you put yourself—or your work—out there in the world, you may experience rejection or negative comments, or you may just feel more exposed than you ever have before. This is why the thought of marketing makes most writers cringe. Continue Reading

Are Your Writing Dreams Sitting on Hold?

The choices around publishing these days are probably some of the toughest choices a writer has to make. We’re all familiar with the first big choice between going the traditional publishing route or deciding to self-publish. However, even after that choice is made, many other choices follow.

One of the biggest roadblocks to writers deciding to self-publish is the sheer amount of information and options that are out there in regards to self-publishing nowadays. There are many different companies that make a lot of promises to help writers self-publish, and there are also many different ways do everything entirely on your own. This is usually where writers get stuck. It’s like trying to pick one good movie out of the bazillion options available on Netflix. At some point, your brain goes into overload and shuts down, and then you just want to forget the whole thing. Continue Reading

Write a Book that Serves the World (This Works Great for Procrastinators!)

Over the years, I have worked with many writers who dream of writing a book that will help serve humanity. Much of the time, the writer has experienced some sort of deep trauma, gone through a healing journey because of that trauma, and then come out on the other side with a unique perspective on everything they experienced. Usually in these cases, the writer realizes that what they’ve learned could greatly benefit others who are currently going through the same sort of trauma they experienced, and that the best way to get this knowledge into the hands of other people is to write a book that contains all of the insights the writer learned the hard way.

However, it can be confusing to write this kind of book that serves the world when you have no idea what direction you need to go in to even start. Some writers feel it’s important to include extremely personal pieces of their own journey (memoir), and some want to focus more on learning strategies for the reader (self-help). Some feel like they might want to do a mix of the two, but they’re unsure about how to pull that all together. Continue Reading

My New Video Course for INFJs Is Now Available!

My new video course for INFJs is now available!


I also made a short video giving an overview of what it’s all about:

Energy and Intuition for INFJs is $199 until this December 20. After that the price increases to $349, so if you know you want it, get it now so you don’t miss out on the deep discount!

You can get the discount here:


And thanks so much to everyone who has emailed me in the past couple of days and let me know that this is exactly what you need at this time!

Lauren Sapala is the author of The INFJ WriterThe INFJ Revolution, and the creator of Understanding Yourself as an INFJ Writer, an online video course for INFJ writers who struggle with traditional writing methods. You can get a free copy of her book on creative marketing for writers by signing up for her newsletter HERE.

Why INFJs Hide Their True Selves from the World

INFJ personality types are known for being chameleons. Part of this is our strong extraverted feeling function, which allows us to immediately pick up on the emotions and moods of others, and then mirror their emotional state back to them. This is obviously why INFJs make such great counselors and are able to easily help others untangle personal problems. However, another reason we tend to “chameleonize” ourselves when we’re around other people is due to fear. Continue Reading