Why Empaths Struggle So Much with Writing

Most empaths have trouble writing, and this trouble comes down to the issue of fear. The fear is rooted in being terrified of what others will think of their writing. Empath writers are usually afraid that other people will not think their writing is “good,” or they will be offended by something they’ve written, or they will think they are stupid or thoughtless, or they will be angry that the empath wrote about family history.

The root of the fear is that the empath believes that when they put their writing out into the world, other people will not like it or will not approve of it. This is rooted to a belief almost all empaths struggle with, which is, “I am responsible for the reactions and emotions of others.” Continue Reading

What Empaths Need to Know About Anger

Anger is a hard emotion for empaths, and it’s an emotion that we tend to shy away from. Most empaths don’t feel comfortable being angry or expressing anger, and there are a few different reasons for this. Many of us were taught in childhood that we’re not allowed to be angry, or that it’s not appropriate to ever display anger in any way. Some of us were shamed for expressing anger, or were told that it’s “not nice” to be angry at someone, or grew up in a household where religious beliefs forced us into immediately turning the other cheek, sometimes mere moments after someone hurt us, and well before we were ready to even entertain the idea of forgiveness.

Anger is also a difficult emotion for empaths to handle because it can feel so overwhelming. Empaths have highly sensitive nervous systems and so a sudden rush of anger can feel overwhelming, disorienting, and even make us feel physically ill. We may experience dizziness or shortness of breath or vision problems, such as “seeing spots” or experiencing blurred vision. Empaths also usually have a long history of picking up on the anger of others, and so, if we’re around someone who has an angry outburst (or many of them, regularly) we may question if the anger we’re feeling actually belongs to us or not. Continue Reading

Why Intuitive Writing and Deadlines Don’t Go Together

About once a month, I’ll get an email from a reader who is struggling with writing and meeting deadlines. Usually, they’ve discovered my Intuitive Writing course and they’re extremely interested in learning how to connect more deeply with their intuition to feed their creative process. They like the way I describe how they can shift their relationship with writing from stress and pressure to adventure, fun, and ease. The only problem is, they don’t quite see how they can fit that in with their current writing life needs, which involve a lot of deadlines.

Much of the time these types of writers are screenplay writers who need to turn in projects by a certain date, and also need their scripts to meet a certain set of criteria. Sometimes they are freelance writers who are writing articles on topics assigned to them by a company or nonprofit. Occasionally, I even hear from ghostwriters who are writing something that is supposed to be in someone else’s voice, and they also have a firm deadline on when the work needs to be finished.

Nearly all of these writers who email me are tired, frustrated, and feeling defeated with their writing process. They tell me they feel blocked or stuck, and they’re just pushing themselves through the writing because they know there is a deadline and they have to get it done. But every time they sit down to work on the project, they feel like they would rather be anywhere else.


Is It Realistic to Follow Your Creative Calling?

In my last two articles, I talked about the cocoon phase for introverts, and the big wall of fear most people experience when they come out of the cocoon. This is very normal for intuitive introverts who are going through big life transitions, and it’s actually a sign of good things to come. Because after the cocoon phase and the wall of fear, many people begin to feel the first deep stirrings of their creative calling in life. Continue Reading

Feeling Fear About the Future? Here’s What INFJs and INFPs Need to Know.

In my last article, I talked about the “cocoon phase” for introverts, and how to know if you’re in one right now. Over the past few years—and especially the past few months—I’ve seen a definite pattern with my clients and students and the theme of life transition.

Since the pandemic, many of us INFJs and INFPs are coming out of a long period of reflection, and an intense amount of upheaval. Some of us have lost jobs or quit jobs, some of us have ended long-term relationships, or decided to seek a partner after a long time of being on our own. And some of us have picked up and moved to a different city, state, or a different country altogether, or we’re considering such a move right now.

These kinds of life transitions are common for intuitive introverts who are ready to open a new chapter in their life, and this can all be very exciting. However, it can be very scary, too. What usually happens when you begin making big life transitions is that you feel enthusiastic at first, and then you get hit with a big wall of fear. Continue Reading