My New Novel Released Today!

For those of you who follow my updates regularly, you know that I not only write books on creativity and writing for intuitive people, but I also write fiction that’s a bit on the darker side. A few years ago I released my first novel, Between the Shadow and Lo, and then followed it up with the sequel, West Is San Francisco. Now, I’ve finally released the third and last book in the series, Enormous Forces.

These three books form the West Coast Trilogy, a fiction series that’s a little weird, a little transgressive, and reads a little like memoir. It’s based on 10 years of my life when I went ricocheting back and forth between Seattle and San Francisco, trying desperately to outrun addiction, escape myself, and figure out life.

Enormous Forces is now available in paperback and on Kindle on Amazon. Click the image below to buy:

I want to send a HUGE thank you to everyone who has supported me during the long, long process of writing these books. I started writing Between the Shadow and Lo in 2006, and I never dreamed it would take me 17 years to complete and publish them all.

I hear from clients and students all the time who are frustrated at how long it’s taking them to write their novel or memoir, and I just want to say: You are not alone and this is actually very normal. The mainstream writing community tends to gloss over just how long it actually takes to write a book, and so there is a lot of focus on the overnight success stories, and not so much focus on the slow-and-steady pace that most of us come to naturally.

To celebrate finally finishing the long journey of completing the West Coast Trilogy, the first two books, Between the Shadow and Lo, and West Is San Francisco, are both on sale right now for 99 cents. So, if you’ve never read any of the books, you can catch up quickly. You can get both on Kindle here:



Thanks so much everyone for being a reader, and a supporter. I appreciate you all!

Are You a “Lonely Chameleon” Type of Empath?

Most empaths draw people to them naturally and have no trouble making friends. This is because empaths are excellent listeners and function as a safe space for others. However, empaths usually feel lonely in crowds, and in relationships.

A lonely empath experiences this feeling of loneliness in relationships because they often unconsciously adopt the mask of “the chameleon” when dealing with friends, coworkers, and social situations. Empaths are very good at reading energy, and they use their energy reading skills to anticipate others’ needs. Then they make personality adjustments based on those anticipated needs. So, empaths change their personality according to the people who surround them. Continue Reading

Empaths as the Constant Counselor

Most empaths are dissatisfied with their friend relationships. It’s not that we have problems making friends, although we might have issues with trusting people. The real problem we have in our friend relationships is that most of these relationships are one-sided. Continue Reading

Empaths and Chronic Fatigue

One of the main problems empaths suffer from is exhaustion, and because of this constant fatigue a lot of us live in a state of semi-seclusion. This goes beyond being an introvert and needing time to recharge. It’s more like living in hermit mode, all the time.

Some empaths also try to push through whenever they feel drained and keep working or socializing, because they feel that’s what is expected of them. This brings on a state of chronic stress and fatigue, and the empath feels like they never have the time or space to fully recharge. Social situations, other people, and demanding jobs drain empaths quickly, and this is extremely frustrating for empaths. Many of us feel like we can’t lead a normal life. Continue Reading

Are You an Empath with Creative Blocks? This Is What’s Really Going On.

Empaths do struggle more with creativity and writing than other people, and empaths also usually do not understand why it is so hard for them to write and create. When they sit down to write they may feel scared or anxious, paralyzed, extremely distracted or even drowsy, and emotionally upset.

Despite these unpleasant symptoms that tend to occur for many empaths when they attempt to sit down and write, they still really do want to write. This creates a push-pull feeling that is extremely stressful. Continue Reading