Neurodivergence and Creativity

The INFJ personality type and INFP personality type can easily fall into self-judgment about our ability to focus, or our lack of focus. This comes up especially strongly around the creative process. We tend to believe that “creative focus” means completing a project using linear steps, and being very organized all along the way. We also usually assume that being focused means we need to be efficient and fast when completing the project, and that we also need to stick with one creative project until it’s done.

Being linear, organized, efficient, fast, and sticking with one thing until it’s done are not actually elements of CREATIVE focus, but instead elements of CONVENTIONAL focus. Meaning, this is the way most people believe things SHOULD be done. True creative focus might not incorporate any of these elements. True creative focus is not concerned with efficiency or speed. Instead, the focus is on keeping a persistent belief in the work, holding active loving energy with the work, and keeping ourselves open to the unique rhythm of the work. Creative focus also includes having patience with the timeline of the work.

INFJs and INFPs experience so many problems with the creative process, because we believe that we must conquer our struggle to focus in the conventional way. The real solution is to instead heal our old damaging beliefs about what focus means for us in order to move ahead in any significant way with our creative process.

I talk more about this in the video below:

I’m teaching a new class starting July 3 called Healing Through Creativity, and we’ll be learning how to uncover our natural (if unconventional) creative gifts and use them to heal our own inner wounds, as well as how we can share our creativity with others to spread the energy of healing.

We’ll be covering topics like:

Neurodivergence and creativity

Trauma and creativity

Psychic gifts and creativity

Make sure you SUBSCRIBE to my newsletter HERE to get all the updates and notifications on when registration for this class opens, and please also SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel here to get more videos on creativity, intuition, and life as an intuitive personality type. If you have any questions about the class, you can send them to me here.

I’d love to see you in this class!

Lauren Sapala is the author of Writing on the Intuitive Side of the BrainThe INFJ WriterThe INFJ Revolution, and the creator of Energy and Intuition for INFJs, an online course for INFJs on intuition, relationships, creativity, and more. She is also currently offering a free copy of her book Firefly Magic: Heart Powered Marketing for Highly Sensitive Writers to anyone who signs up for her newsletter. SIGN UP HERE to get your free copy.

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