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Lauren Sapala

My New Novel Released Today!

My new novel, Resurrect the Dead, just released today!

As with most of my fiction, this one is dark. And psychological. And dancing right on the edge of transgressive.

Here’s the description from the back cover if you’re interested in checking it out:

Roger is the only father Alex has ever known, although he’s not much of a father. Years after coming back from Vietnam, Roger is severely disabled, and dependent on Alex just to get by every day. A loner by nature, Alex hardly notices that he doesn’t lead a normal teenage life. Dealing with Roger’s mental breakdowns is a routine part of his existence. Heavy metal is one of his only escapes, as well as the clearing in the woods behind his trailer park. The clearing is a space that feels like his own private world, and it’s also his special place with Alyssa, his best and only friend.

With every day that passes, Roger’s health fails a little more, and Alex begins to fixate on the big questions that Roger has always avoided: Where is Alex’s mother? Why can he barely remember her? And why did she abandon her young son so long ago? When Alex and Alyssa finally get the chance to run away together, Alex decides to investigate his mother’s past and he finds something he never expected. The truth shatters him to the core, and triggers a chain of events that has explosive consequences for everyone, setting Alex on a fated path that changes him forever.

You can get it from Amazon in paperback:


Or Kindle:


Happy reading! 🙂

Are INFJs and INFPs Too “Woo”?

INFJ personality types and INFP personality types frequently are labeled as too “woo-woo,” by non-intuitive types. Because of this, many of us feel like we are too weird to fit in, or like our ideas are too radical for the mainstream. INFJs and INFPs are frequently interested in subjects like astrology, the tarot, energy work, healing with crystals, and other fringe ideas. To us, these subjects are intriguing and can help us understand the world in a deeper way, but they may be threatening to friends and family members. Continue Reading

INFJs, INFPs, and Psychic Gifts

INFJ personality types and INFP personality types are two of the most intuitive personality types in the MBTI personality type system. Many people believe that the intuition of INFJ personality types and INFP personality types comes from both types being very observant, and subconsciously picking up on physical cues. While this is partly true, there is more to the intuition of INFJ personality types and INFP personality types than information that comes through only the five senses. Continue Reading

The Metaphysical Side of INFJs and INFPs

INFJ personality types and INFP personality types are often drawn to the metaphysical side of life. This is because we are highly intuitive, and able to see the “reality behind the reality.” INFJs and INFPs see how all things are interconnected in an infinite web, and from an early age we are drawn to learning about magic, the supernatural, powers of the mind, powers of the spirit, one’s life design and one’s life blueprint.

INFJs and INFPs are also drawn to this type of subject matter because intuitive personality types have a primarily right-brained approach to life, although we live in a society that is heavily skewed toward a left-brained approach to life. Our culture places a high value on logic, linear thinking, facts, concrete reality, and information that can be gleaned through the five senses. INFJ personality types and INFP personality types can decently navigate left-brained activities and learning strategies, but we also need to engage in right-brained activities in order to thrive. Continue Reading

Why INFJs and INFPs Don’t Fit In

INFJ personality types and INFP personality types often struggle with fitting into society because we hold different values than most of the mainstream population. Mainstream society tends to value competition and aggression, and also tends to focus on scarcity, winning, domination, and right vs. wrong.

INFJ personality types and INFP personality types are natural healers and hold the values of healer consciousness, which is focused on compassion, harmony, seeing all sides of a situation, and holding opinions lightly, so as to allow room for movement and change. These kinds of values and this kind of focus can feel threatening and confusing to many people in mainstream society. Continue Reading