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Why the Creative Life Can Be So Hard for INFJs and INFPs

In all my years of coaching, I’ve run into a definite pattern with INFJ and INFP artists and writers. It seems that most of us don’t decide to pursue our true calling until later in life. Usually, it’s after 40. Now, this doesn’t mean that we don’t feel the stirrings of inspiration or the pull to create long before then, but it’s not usually until we’re entering the latter half of life that we make the conscious decision to take the plunge and just do it, whatever “it” may be.

Why does it take us so long? Is it true that most INFJ and INFP personality types are just late bloomers and need more time than the rest of the population to figure out what they really want to do in life? Continue Reading

My New Book Released Today!

Firefly Magic: Heart Powered Marketing for Highly Sensitive Writers is for any HSP, INFJ, INFP, introvert writer who knows they need to learn more about book marketing but also feels huge resistance to it. If you’re a Highly Sensitive Writer who “hates marketing” or feels you don’t naturally have what it takes to get good at it, Firefly Magic can help.

I dive deep into dissolving outdated belief systems, fear of rejection, and even issues around money and abundance. Whether you’re already published or just starting to think about building a career as a writer, Firefly Magic is made for you.

Firefly Magic is available in paperback and ebook.

Why It’s So Hard for an INFJ (or INFP) Writer to Show Anyone Else Our Writing

As an INFJ, I live inside two worlds. There is the world outside of my body, made up of people and buildings and trees and things, and then there is the real world: the world inside my soul.

When I tell people this, I know that they think they understand what I’m talking about. I’m a dreamer, and an idealist. I’m that girl, who always has her head in the clouds. They would be right. I am those things. But when I say that, for me, the real world exists inside my soul, it goes way beyond that. Continue Reading

Want to Write Great Fiction? Stop Using the “Logical” Side of Your Brain.


Every morning when I open my inbox a landslide of emails from the online writing community pour out. Blog posts, newsletters, classes and programs and retreats. And then I jump on social media and the wave continues: Advice and instructions on character development, plotting your plot, finessing the end and then going back to that first page and polishing your opening hook until it sparkles and shines and catches the eye of every agent with an email address.

The online writing community is built upon the giving of good advice. I totally get that. As a writing coach with a writing blog, I’m one of those writers handing out pieces of that advice. It definitely has a place, and it definitely can be helpful.

But… Continue Reading

The INFJ Writer Is Now in Print!


I’m one of those people who believe paper books will never go out of style. Whatever book I’m reading at the moment travels with me everywhere, ready to be whipped out at a bus stop or in a waiting room. I love airports and long flights because I always have something to read. Because of this life-long love affair with books I know what a huge difference there really is between a book sitting on my Kindle and a book sitting in my hand.

And now, The INFJ Writer can be sitting in your hand.

Because The INFJ Writer is now available in print!

For those of you who don’t have a Kindle, don’t want a Kindle, or like to take a break from your Kindle once in a while…For those of you who love loaning books out to friends and use every birthday as an excuse to buy someone a book they just have to read…For those of you who process things better if you can see physical words on a physical page…this is for you.

Happy reading everyone!