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infj writer

3 Things I Learned as an INFP Writer Working on My First Book

Today’s guest post comes from Ritu Kaushal, a San Francisco Bay Area-based author and the blogger behind the popular HSP and empath-centric website Her writing has appeared on Tiny Buddha, Sensitive Evolution, Elephant Journal and Having Time amongst others. She recently released  The Empath’s Journey, a book I highly recommend that every INFJ, INFP, and empath add to their arsenal of tools on how to survive as a Highly Sensitive Person in today’s world.

As an INFP writer, I have struggled over years with many of those same things that artists have always struggled with. When we are just an acorn, when our creative being has still not taken root, we are masters of self-doubt. After all, many of us haven’t been taught anything about what the creative process actually feels like. Continue Reading

Writers and Artists—It’s Time for You to Stop Trying to Fit into Society’s Conventional Box

All my life I’ve gotten into random conversations with people where the subject of our life trajectories comes up, and I always end up feeling kind of weird. This past weekend I hung out with a friend who told me he decided on his career path in high school, diligently researched colleges, applied himself strenuously to his field of study, threw himself at the best internships available, and then went on multiple rounds of job interviews with companies he had also heavily researched, and that’s how he ended up in his current job. He made a choice based on the menu of job options available in our society and then did everything he could to fit into that choice.

What about me? he asked.

This is when I felt that all-too-familiar weird feeling I always get during these discussions. Continue Reading

What Do You Do If You’re Constantly Unhappy with Your Writing Life?

I’ve been writing seriously for about 12 years now, and while a lot of things have changed along the way, one thing has pretty consistently remained the same: I always seem to feel dissatisfied with my writing life.

Sometimes I’m unhappy with the writing itself, but experience has shown me that almost all bad writing can be improved if you just work hard enough at revisions. What I’m really talking about is something different, something deeper. It’s an insidious feeling of never being where I wanted to be, of always striving to reach some goal, and then reaching it and still feeling like I didn’t get what I wanted. Continue Reading

The Real Reason So Many Introvert Writers Hate Marketing? It’s Not What You Think.

As a writing coach who works almost exclusively with Highly Sensitive Writers, I hear the same phrases from a lot of different clients. “I’m an introvert, so I hate putting myself out there.” “I’m not that assertive.” “I prefer to stay in the background.” All these statements might be true in one way or another, but the reasons behind the statements tend to remain vague to most people, even if they are the introvert in question.

Even though the introvert awareness movement has made incredible gains for introverts over the past few years, most of us still struggle with limiting beliefs around what it means to actually be introverted. We might be out and loud and proud about NOT being extroverts, but at times we still assume that to be an introvert means that, basically, we are shy. And shy people don’t like the spotlight. So, when we try to put our finger on exactly what it is about marketing that makes us feel so, well, turned off  by the whole process, we usually retreat back to this assumption. We are introverts, and therefore, we don’t want to call attention to ourselves. Because on some level, we are just plain shy. Continue Reading

The INFJ Writer Is Now in Print!


I’m one of those people who believe paper books will never go out of style. Whatever book I’m reading at the moment travels with me everywhere, ready to be whipped out at a bus stop or in a waiting room. I love airports and long flights because I always have something to read. Because of this life-long love affair with books I know what a huge difference there really is between a book sitting on my Kindle and a book sitting in my hand.

And now, The INFJ Writer can be sitting in your hand.

Because The INFJ Writer is now available in print!

For those of you who don’t have a Kindle, don’t want a Kindle, or like to take a break from your Kindle once in a while…For those of you who love loaning books out to friends and use every birthday as an excuse to buy someone a book they just have to read…For those of you who process things better if you can see physical words on a physical page…this is for you.

Happy reading everyone!