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infj intuition

Are INFJs and INFPs Too “Woo”?

INFJ personality types and INFP personality types frequently are labeled as too “woo-woo,” by non-intuitive types. Because of this, many of us feel like we are too weird to fit in, or like our ideas are too radical for the mainstream. INFJs and INFPs are frequently interested in subjects like astrology, the tarot, energy work, healing with crystals, and other fringe ideas. To us, these subjects are intriguing and can help us understand the world in a deeper way, but they may be threatening to friends and family members. Continue Reading

INFJ and INFP Fear of Intuition

INFJ personality types and INFP personality types usually have a strong need and desire to connect with intuition, but many INFJ personality types and INFP personality types are also scared of connecting with intuition. Much of the time, INFJ personality types and INFP personality types are scared that our intuition with tell us something we don’t want to know, or that we are afraid to face. We might also be scared that our intuition will push us into action we don’t feel ready to take yet in our lives. Continue Reading

3 BIG Signs You Can Trust Your Intuition

Since most of my clients are either an INFJ personality type or an INFP personality type (and every single one of them is an empath) I often get questions from them about intuition. They want to know how they can access their intuition, how they can increase it, and how they can understand it better. Because even though these types are born naturally intuitive, we live in a society that does not encourage intuition, or intuitive types. Our surrounding culture is almost solely focused on figuring things out through rational thought, i.e., thinking and problem-solving.

Intuition does not work in this way. It’s not like brainstorming. It’s not a conscious mind activity, although you can use the conscious mind to get yourself more comfortable with it. Something else that greatly helps is knowing what you’re looking for. If you have some idea of the clear signs that accompany intuition then you can more fully relax into receiving it. Continue Reading

My New Video Course for INFJs Is Now Available!

My new video course for INFJs is now available!


I also made a short video giving an overview of what it’s all about:

Energy and Intuition for INFJs is $199 until this December 20. After that the price increases to $349, so if you know you want it, get it now so you don’t miss out on the deep discount!

You can get the discount here:


And thanks so much to everyone who has emailed me in the past couple of days and let me know that this is exactly what you need at this time!

Lauren Sapala is the author of The INFJ WriterThe INFJ Revolution, and the creator of Understanding Yourself as an INFJ Writer, an online video course for INFJ writers who struggle with traditional writing methods. You can get a free copy of her book on creative marketing for writers by signing up for her newsletter HERE.

How to Unblock Your INFJ Intuition

For most INFJ personality types, intuition is something we’re born with that can be extremely strong from a young age. However, much of the time, due to family circumstances and societal conditioning, our natural intuitive abilities become blocked and then it feels difficult to access them.

One of the main things that can block an INFJ’s intuition is overthinking, and INFJ personality types—especially when stressed—are particularly prone to doing this. When we begin overthinking everything we experience the same thought loops over and over, and while it might seem like we’re trying to find a solution to whatever problem is causing us to overthink everything, in reality we’re just driving ourselves crazy and not getting anywhere at all.

This is when our natural intuition becomes blocked, because it’s almost impossible to receive any information from our intuition when we’re caught up in overthinking. There is a way to get past this though, and it’s easier than you might assume. I talk about how to quickly and easily unblock your INFJ intuition in the video below:

I’m teaching a new class this September called Energy and Intuition for INFJs and I’m going to be covering topics like these, and so much more. We’re going to be learning about INFJ psychic sensitivity (and how to use it), trouble spots for INFJs in relationships, how intuition influences the INFJ creative process, stress and self-care for INFJS, and more. If this sounds like something you need right now, be sure to sign up for my newsletter HERE to get all the updates.

I love teaching on INFJ-related topics, and I’ve worked with so many INFJs over the past ten years, so this class is a long time coming. I’m really excited about it. I think it will be the perfect accompaniment to the big life transitions that so many INFJs are going through right now.

If you have any questions at all, please send them to me here. And stay tuned for the next video in this series on “Dealing with Emotional Overwhelm as an INFJ.”

Lauren Sapala is the author of The INFJ Writer and The INFJ Revolution. You can get a free copy of her book on creative marketing for writers by signing up for her newsletter HERE.