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infj codependent relationships

Codependency and Creativity

INFJ personality types and INFP personality types tend to struggle severely with codependency throughout life. This can be extremely detrimental to our creative lives because codependency is a major block to creativity.

When we are in a codependent relationship with someone, we often will hold ourselves back from doing anything that is threatening to the other person. We will accommodate the other person’s preferences and desires over our own needs, and end up betraying ourselves over and over again. Creativity requires us to take risks, and often these risks can be threatening to other people, especially someone who might be the other half of our codependent relationship. Continue Reading

Why INFJs Never Feel Seen

One of the biggest sources of distress for INFJ personality types in their lives is the feeling that they are never seen. This also happens frequently for INFP personality types. Both types report that they feel that they are not seen or accepted by family members, and that it is rare for them to find a friend who they feel truly sees them either. This causes such psychological distress for INFJs and INFPs because both types crave being seen, and also crave being accepted for who they truly are. It’s very important to INFJs and INFPs to feel authentic in their identity and expression with others, but this becomes difficult when we feel that others don’t actually understand who we are, or the way we operate as people. Continue Reading

Why Do INFJs Always Play the “Medic” in Relationships?

INFJ personality types and INFP personality types are known for being natural healers. Both types possess strong empathy, compassion, and easily attune to the moods and needs of others. Because we have a temperament that is so naturally suited to healing work, we tend to attract people with wounds, and to be attracted to people with wounds. Usually, the more severe and unhealed the wound is, the more strongly we will be attracted to that person. Continue Reading