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Lauren Sapala

Why Is Writing About Trauma So Hard?

Many writers who have gone through trauma in their lives reach a point where they feel called to write about what they’ve experienced. But getting started can be extremely difficult. Obviously, it’s hard to revisit past traumatic events, but writers struggle with writing about trauma in other ways too.

Whenever we’ve gone through a healing journey in our lives, we’ve also gone through a huge transformation. The trauma we experienced pushed us to grow and change, and it’s not always easy to write about these changes, or explain them to other people. As a result of our experience with trauma, we may have worked on healing old issues, old ideas about our identity, and old limiting belief systems. The healing journey is never over, but we do get to a place where we realize we’ve experienced so much that could help others. Continue Reading

The Best Piece of Writing Advice Most Writers Don’t Listen To

For most writers, writing is a strong inner calling. It feels like a passion that they can’t ignore, a destiny they must fulfill. And for writers who feel blocked, or are cut off from the act of writing for some other reason, the lack of writing in their life results in a state of low-grade misery. A writer who isn’t writing feels unfulfilled, listless, and can easily fall into creative despair.

Writer’s block is extremely common among writers. Most people assume that the most typical form of writer’s block stems from a lack of ideas, or a lack of motivation that comes from inside the writer. Writers themselves tend to assume this too. When we have problems writing, we most often blame some sort of “inadequacy” we see inside ourselves. However, the most typical cause of writer’s block that I’ve seen after so many years of working with writers actually comes from the outside. Continue Reading

3 BIG Signs You Can Trust Your Intuition

Since most of my clients are either an INFJ personality type or an INFP personality type (and every single one of them is an empath) I often get questions from them about intuition. They want to know how they can access their intuition, how they can increase it, and how they can understand it better. Because even though these types are born naturally intuitive, we live in a society that does not encourage intuition, or intuitive types. Our surrounding culture is almost solely focused on figuring things out through rational thought, i.e., thinking and problem-solving.

Intuition does not work in this way. It’s not like brainstorming. It’s not a conscious mind activity, although you can use the conscious mind to get yourself more comfortable with it. Something else that greatly helps is knowing what you’re looking for. If you have some idea of the clear signs that accompany intuition then you can more fully relax into receiving it. Continue Reading

The Best Method to Develop Intuition

In my last article, How to Actually Listen to Your Intuition, I talked about how anxiety gets in the way of us listening to our intuition, because when we’re anxious we’re coming from an emotionally reactive place and so we make decisions based on those emotions and reactivity.

These decisions soothe us in the short term because they take away the anxiety for the moment. When we’re freaked out and constantly in an emotionally reactive state, that’s all that seems important. But this blocks you from accessing your intuition and working with the messages it’s trying to send you. Continue Reading

How to Actually Listen to Your Intuition

So many naturally intuitive people know they get solid information from their intuition, and they are even aware of when it is showing up in their lives, but it can be very difficult for most of us to listen to our intuition, even if we have a naturally intuitive temperament.

I’ve worked with countless intuitive people (INFJ personality types and INFP personality types) who have this problem. They get a feeling about something, or they just “know” what is going to happen. They might see an image in their mind, have a vivid dream, or hear their inner voice warning them about something, and many times that message gets louder when it is ignored. But still, the person pushes it away. Continue Reading