Many INFJs and INFPs struggle with boundaries in everyday life. This struggle becomes much harder when we are dealing with narcissistic personality types, whether that’s in the family, with friends, or in the workplace.


Holding boundaries with narcissistic personality types is so difficult because narcissists not only do not honor or respect boundaries, but usually do not even know what boundaries actually are. If an INFJ or INFP is in an ongoing situation with a narcissist, the constant violation of boundaries can deeply damage their ability to trust in others and have any type of healthy relationship.


This workshop is for those INFJs and INFPs who are currently struggling with narcissists in their lives, or who have had an ongoing pattern of attracting narcissists and want to shift this dynamic. It can also be helpful for INFJs and INFPs who are interested in going deeper into boundary work outside of what is offered by the mainstream.

What’s the Format of This Workshop?


This is a virtual workshop on Zoom happening on:


Wednesday May 29 from 4:00pm – 5:30 pm EST

What’s Covered in the Workshop?


Why boundary work is different for INFs in contrast to other types


How narcissistic family dynamics affect INF intuition


How solid boundary work begins with the body


Healing enmeshment wounds


Releasing the pattern of narcissistic relationships



**This workshop will be recorded and made available for streaming after the event.

Registrants get lifetime access to the recording.**

What’s the Cost?


The cost of this workshop is $49.00 USD.