Manifesting Abundance for INFJs and INFPs is a three-week online class for intuitive personality types who want to experience abundance in all areas of life, and also need support in getting there.


We will be learning how to manifest abundance in our creative lives, our financial lives, in our relationship with our authentic selves, and with other people. We will be exploring what has held us back up until this point, how to dissolve fear and other blocks, and how to move forward into a new, improved experience of life.

You can find out more information about this class in the video below:

Play Video


Class 1:

Manifesting a Creative Life

Thurs Aug 24

7:00 – 8:30 pm EST


Dysfunctional Creative Games

We Play


Improving Self-Image and


Self-WorthAnswering Your True Creative Call

Class 2:

Manifesting More Money

Thurs Aug 31

7:00 – 8:30 pm EST


Examining Our Relationship

with Money


The Money-Creativity Link


Strategies for Financial Abundance


Class 3:

Manifesting a Better Life

Thurs Sep 7

8:00 – 9:30 pm EST

(Please note Class 3 is one hour later than previous classes)


Living from an Empowered Perspective


Living for Yourself


Trusting Your Life Experience

In-person attendance is not required.

All class members will receive lifetime access to all Zoom recordings of the class.



Class members will receive a weekly assignment (emailed the day after class) that invites them to experiment with their own manifestation skills.


A private Facebook group will be available to all members of the class, and will remain open indefinitely as a place for class members to connect with each other and offer support as we continue to navigate these big transitions in our lives.


Joining the class Facebook group is NOT mandatory.

This is a completely optional portion of the class.


The cost of this class is $149.


Once registered, class members will receive Zoom links to all class sessions,

and a link to request to join the private Facebook group.