I’m an author, teacher, and speaker with a passion for helping intuitive personality types and sensitive creative people discover their own gifts and unique potential. My journey began in 2009 when I founded WriteCity in Seattle, a writing group designed for intuitive writers struggling with severe writing blocks. I continued the program in San Francisco in 2010 and then became a full-time writing coach in 2013. I launched my first class on intuitive writing in 2019, and I’ve been teaching online ever since.
Although I started out as a writing coach helping writers, my work ultimately expanded in many different directions. As I studied the type of person who seemed to fit various labels—intuitive, empath, INFJ, INFP, creatively gifted, sensitive—I found that we all have many of the same problems in common. Problems with boundaries; problems with self-criticism and self-judgment; problems navigating our emotional, physical, and spiritual sensitivity.
The more I learned about this certain type of person, the more I wanted to create classes specifically for this type, and the more I wanted to teach those classes in my own specific way.
Currently, I teach classes on writing and creativity, self-esteem and self-empowerment, archetypes and spiritual psychology, what it means to be a wounded healer and an empath, and many, many more topics. I teach classes as they come to me, and with very little planning. I build a lot of space into my classes to allow for the energy of the class members to come through clearly and move us to where we need to be as a group. And nearly everything I teach is something outside of the mainstream.
I also write books. I’ve published four books for sensitive intuitives struggling with writing, creativity, and life: The INFJ Writer, Firefly Magic, The INFJ Revolution, and Writing on the Intuitive Side of the Brain. I’ve also published three novels, all part of a trilogy of autobiographical fiction: Between the Shadow and Lo, West Is San Francisco, and Enormous Forces. You can find all my books on my Books Page.
If you have questions about upcoming classes, my monthly silent writing program, or want to connect about a possible collaboration or promotion, you can access my contact form here.