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INFJ Obsession: Archetype and the Psychic Bond

HeroIt started off innocently enough. I met him in a bookstore. He was the clerk, and I was buying the books. I talked with him for five minutes about Moby Dick and Melville’s poetry. There was something about him…he reminded me of a philosopher from ancient Greece. And yes, he said, he was interested in philosophy. He’d studied it for many years. Would I care to continue this conversation over coffee?

I wrote down his number and left the store. And everything still seemed to be innocent enough. Continue Reading

Why INFJs Have Trouble Writing


According to various sources on the internet, INFJs love to practice creative writing more than anything else. Now, I know that information found online can go either way on the spectrum of accuracy, but I’m inclined to agree with this statement. I’m an INFJ myself, and I actually have a couple other INFJ writer friends, so I bring some personal experience to this. But that’s not the only reason I feel this way. I also own a blog. And as the author of that blog I can see the search terms people use when they stumble across my posts. Every single day I get some form of “INFJ” paired with “trouble writing” or “difficulty writing” or “have a hard time writing.” Continue Reading

Why INFJs and INFPs Have Such a Hard Time with Criticism

SAMSUNGI took a creative writing class in college that was made up of 25 writers. Each week a couple of us passed out a chapter of our work to everyone else. The next week we took turns getting feedback.

“Feedback” meant 24 other people sitting and staring at you and telling you about all of the problems they found in your writing.

I hated that class so much.

Whenever it was my turn my stomach dropped, I started sweating, my throat locked up, and I wanted to crawl under the table. Continue Reading