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intuitive writing

Why So Many INFJ and INFP Writers Have Problems Using Their Intuition in Writing

The INFJ personality type and the INFP personality type are two of the most intuitive personalities on the spectrum, and they are also the two types most likely to be creative writers. However, it can be particularly difficult for both INFJ and INFP writers to access their intuition while writing. This is unfortunate, because once an INFJ or INFP writer can begin tapping into their intuition while writing, they will almost always experience greater creative flow and a better experience writing.

The reason most INFJs and INFPs have problems using their intuition while writing—which is such a strong, natural skill for us—is because intuition is not valued in our culture. We live in a society that is heavily skewed toward the rational, logical side of life. Anything that comes across as intuitive, emotional, or vulnerable is feared in our culture, and usually denigrated. Of course, the intuitive side of life is also strongly connected to feminine energy, which is another thing that is feared and ridiculed in our society.

This means that most INFJ and INFP people grow up in a situation where our intuitive gifts are not valued, and they are definitely not encouraged. Instead, we are taught to ignore or suppress our intuition, and to discount our natural creative style, and our intuitive gifts. So, we end up as adults who feel cut off from our own creativity, who struggle with writing, and who have no idea how to use our natural intuitive talent to thrive.

I talk more about this in the video below:

I’m teaching an online class this May called Finding Your Writing Magic, all about the link between intuition and writing, and how to learn key intuitive tools that will help you tap into your greatest creative potential.

If this sounds like exactly what you need right now, be sure to sign up for my newsletter HERE to get all the updates about the class. You can contact me with any questions here. And please don’t hold back on the questions! I’m really excited about this new class and I would love to answer any questions that might come up for you.

I’ll see you soon with the next video in this series, all about how to tell the difference between the voice of fear and the voice of intuition!

Lauren Sapala is the author of The INFJ Writer and The INFJ Revolution. You can get a free copy of her book on creative marketing for writers by signing up for her newsletter HERE.

5 Signs You’re an Intuitive Writer

While I most often get clients and students who are well aware that they have problems writing, they don’t often know that the reason for this is because they are an intuitive writer. Intuitive writers work in a way that deviates from the norm, and it’s this deviation that can cause a lot of misunderstanding and pain to the writer who is struggling, because intuitive writers tend to get blocked and shut down when they try to use mainstream writing methods.

I put together a basic list of 5 clear signs that indicate you are most likely an intuitive writer. If you hit every one of the items on this list, then chances are high that you’re going to have writing problems if you try to use mainstream methods. Continue Reading

Are You a Writer Who Can’t Finish Anything? The 3 Surprising Reasons You Abandon Projects.

As a writing coach who has worked with hundreds of writers over the past decade, I’ve found that most of the writers who come to me have the same types of problems, and one of the biggest struggles they deal with is finishing anything.

This type of writer always tells me the same thing:

“I get really excited in the beginning of the project, and then the excitement dies.”

“I was off to a strong start and wrote a lot, but now I have no idea where the story is going and it feels like a chore to figure it out.”

I feel a deep sense of shame about the fact that I haven’t finished anything. This must mean I’m not a real writer, or not a very good writer.”

This type of writer also tends to feel isolated and alone in their struggle. They constantly compare themselves to other writers who seem to be thriving, creating, and most importantly, producing.

I love it when I get a new client like this, because I immediately know where to start. And once I reveal what’s really going on, the writer experiences this immense feeling of relief. They finally understand that they are NOT wrong as a writer. They are just using the wrong type of writing method for them. Continue Reading

Here’s One Quick Secret Writers Can Use to Conquer Self-Doubt Forever

Do you constantly compare yourself to other writers?

Do you set goals for yourself as a writer and then somehow fall short of them every time?

Do you start new writing practices full of enthusiasm, but then sooner or later you dread sticking with it?

If you’re like so many other writers out there, the answer to these questions is sadly, “yes.” And every time something like this happens to you, you end up in a pit of despair, right? You question yourself, your writing talent, and your ability to make your dreams happen. Continue Reading