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book marketing

Readers Connect Most Strongly with Writers Who Dare to Be Vulnerable.

Usually when we think about “book marketing” we think of glitzy ad campaigns or nuking everyone on social media with relentless messages to “buy my book!” This is a huge turn-off for most writers. We’ve spent months, possibly years, working on a story that is so personally meaningful to us that it’s even hard to describe it succinctly to other people without getting tangled up in words and emotion.

And now we’re supposed to push it onto total strangers using a catchy (or cheesy) hook?

Um, no thanks. Continue Reading

Marketing a Book Doesn’t Have to Feel Icky, Really. Here’s How.

When I first started learning how to market a book I was resistant, to say the least. I have always shied away from marketing and sales, in any form, my whole life. I’m an introvert, and a Highly Sensitive Person. I’m also kind of a hippie, and definitely an INFJ personality type. While most of my friends in college were taking business courses and trying to land juicy internships, I was writing poetry and grappling with existential dread.

I thought that I would never  be able to learn how to sell anything. Continue Reading